Illegal Immigration to The United States
Illegal immigration is still a divisive topic in America and around the globe. Illegal immigrants are people who illegally reside in a country.
Others terms are: undocumented immigrant , illegal immigrants , and undocumented alien. Illegal immigrants comprise a vast category. There are many types of illegal immigrants. Some enter the country illegally, while others do so legally. Others overstay the visa validity or violate the terms of their permanent residence card or refugee permits. No matter how they got to their new country, migrant decided to take a chance and seek a better life. Many people leave behind loved ones and valuable possessions. Many immigrants move to another country for political or economic reasons. People often choose to move to more technologically advanced countries with more resources and opportunities. Many immigrants move to another country in order to provide better opportunities for their children. Children of illegal immigrants are automatically granted citizenship in countries such as the United States. Children in France and other countries, however, do not automatically become citizens. They must apply for citizenship and complete the necessary documentation when they turn 18. Inadvertently failing to comply with these requirements could result in deportation or illegal status.
Many illegal immigrants get their status illegally, as we have already stated. There have been many ways for immigrants to cross the border to enter the United States throughout history. Many Caribbean immigrants prefer to cross the Atlantic Ocean to get to the United States. This is done in a boat, or tube. Some South American immigrants may fly to Mexico. They may be able to get the help of a “coyote,” a smuggler to cross illegally into the United States. Others may attempt to cross the US border by hiding in shipping containers, trucks, and boxcars. They might be able pay corrupt officials to get into a country. Many will find a way of getting to their destination. Sometimes, this may pose a grave risk to your life. It is now more difficult to cross borders and avoid detection thanks to increased security measures and better technology. Sometimes, immigrants cross the border multiple times before they succeed. Politicians have tried to curb illegal immigration by passing legislation that would deter it. It is illegal to aid an illegal immigrant in France, for example. It is not uncommon for illegal immigrants to have relatives or friends in another country. This legislation is often ignored. Cultural enclaves, which offer support for new immigrants, are also formed in areas where there is a high number of immigrant population. Cultural enclaves provide an environment, culture, and community that are similar to those in their home countries for illegal immigrants. Little Havana in Miami, Florida is an example of a cultural enclave formed by the high level of immigration from Cuba.
Illegal immigrants are more likely to be employed in “low skilled jobs” once they have arrived in a foreign country. These jobs require a lot of labor and don’t attract many people. The United States is an example of this. Immigrants love to work in landscaping and construction because they don’t require fluency in English. Restaurants, hospitality, prostitution and agriculture are all other areas that draw illegal immigrants. Some claim that illegal immigrants are more likely to accept jobs offered by citizens than residents. Others argue that illegal immigration takes away jobs all together. Employers are prohibited from hiring illegal immigrants, especially in the United States. This does not stop some employers. Employers may even exploit an employee’s “undocumented status”. Employers may allow employees to work in unsafe conditions and pay less than the federal law requires. Employers may believe they can get away with human rights violations with illegal immigrants simply because employees won’t report the employer to avoid deportation. Employers who hire illegal immigrants face penalties, but they aren’t always enforced. The United States has recently seen a change in immigration enforcement. Employers who hire illegal workers have been subject to harsh penalties and negative publicity. A bill is being considered that will impose even harsher penalties on employers who hire illegal immigrants and employers who don’t promote safe working conditions.
Some individuals may not be illegally entering the country. Many were brought to America and Europe during the slave trade in the 19th century. The importation of slaves has declined over time and is now almost non-existent. However, there is a disturbing trend: young women and girls are often smuggled into what has been called a “sex slavery trade”. These young females may be approached and offered a job abroad. This job offers them sound financial opportunities and, due to their economic situation, it seems very attractive. Many of them see it as a way to get out of poverty. They soon discover, however, that they were brought to the country in order to procreate. They are thousands of miles from their home, and without a place to turn, so they are extremely vulnerable and don’t know where to seek help. This problem is more common in Europe and the Middle East, but less so in the United States.